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Monday, November 16, 2009


The holidays started, the monsoon season comes...

Holidays so boring. Nothing to do, no one to talk to, no more noise...

Nowadays raining... But its not a bad thing, although cannot play badminton, we played soccer and basketball, in the rain.

Every time it rains, my friends and i will run in the rain, ride our bikes, splash water, sneeze, and then feel cold.....

Yesterday so nice... Play basketball in the rain, it was exceptionally cold... My mom see me all wet, then like a bit scold me =(

Other than tat, sometimes i really bored i go play virtual piano. I tried learning how to play some songs, but in the end, i only noe how to play only the first parts then i dunno liao...

So far, I:

Did a lot of climbing of roofs of the playgorund, the multi-purpose-hall, shelters, and some parts of the HDB flats.

Run in the rain

Smashed an unwanted tv set

Played golf?

Posted At-|9:21 PM|

Friday, October 30, 2009

= (

Sad... Today last day of school... 2 months of separation of my frens... Whats worse, my results improved, but still SUCKS!


Tomorrow I'm gonna practice golf with wei chieh and mun keong. Wednesday got the test.

Soon i'll be going for a first - aid competition to be just a casualty. LOL

Thats all for my holidays... No life...

Posted At-|4:45 AM|

Sunday, October 25, 2009


End Of Year examinations over!
But results are back...
Some I did badly, some I did average, some I improved =D

I thought post examinations will be fun and exciting, but it turned out to be all CRAP. Maybe tmr's games carnival may be fun a little, the rest sucks... Might as well dun go sch. :D

1 week more to sch ends eh? So excited, but I can only play when my father goes back to working on the ship at end of November... So long... With him at home = NO FUN


Posted At-|5:11 AM|

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


School holidays come alr... So boring... Tuesday go to sch for Red Cross, need take accreditation for evacuation bronze. I failed once, dun wan fail again...

So nervous, Xuan Yi Ma'am was like keep looking at me, give me pressure... MUST PASS!!!

1 hour and 30 min later...


Then must do practical, shit, i never revise hard for it... But, I !@#$%^&. 7 letter word

There was a part in which I must cradle carry Wei Chieh, AND I CAN ACTUALLY CARRY HIM! Woohoo!!!

GTG, i wan make this post longer, but my mom scolding me for using too long...

Posted At-|7:01 AM|

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Some common tests results were out. I scored some well, some just average. On Thursday, there's drama infusion. I had to wear my shit costume, so uncomfortable. We acted out first and was told that we had to shorten our script! We can't do that.

In the end, we just planned on how to quicken the pace on setting up the next scene as this took some time while our mock assessment. But if we were to act out in the music room, it may be difficult.

Oh, Friday. Nth much or new for Red Cross today. We had footdrill and evacuation lessons and we may be tested for our accreditation next week, so sad Wan Lin didn't come. I thought, she, faradhina and naunidh also skip, luckily everyone came. YAY!

Today, wah, so boring. But just now my tuition fren after class go and buy bubble tea, I also buy. Then we go to a playground, shoot all our pearls through a straw, something just like gunbound, HAHA. We tried to shoot the highest as possible, I lost... Then in the end, I shot a pearl to my fren which was stuck onto his bag, and he didn't noe and board the bus. Muahahahahahaha!!!!

Monday will be teacher's day, looking forward to see my teacher and perhaps some of my ex-classmates whom I lost contact with. I'd better "establish a link with them", quoted from History Lessons. Haha!

Posted At-|12:57 AM|

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hello again

Today is quite boring... No one to talk to, except for deleting spams from my inbox in my phone sent by my primary school fren. But at least i got to talk to him for a while...

I dunno why, or perhaps its just me, for this week I feel lonely... Weird huh? But I've been randoming in class like walking with a chair and keep talking nonsense to WC...

Nothing to talk about, so this is the end of a very short but dull post.

Posted At-|1:47 AM|

Friday, August 21, 2009


This blog is kinda dead, so I'm reviving with part of my life.

Today was quite interesting. LAB scolded Joey and some other ppl, as usual. Then lit, nothing fun. PE was okay. I ran the 2.4km and my timing was 11.01... Jen Yang could have been first but he slowed down... Dunno why.

Then recess, so boring. Usually not like tat de...

Maths ROCKS MAN! Mr Lim relieved our class today. He so good, let us use handphone. Then Mk bo liao wan play with me game, some more wan play with money. In the end, I owned him and he paid me 3 dollars. I played with Naunidh as well and he owed me 6 dollars! Woohoo! Thanks to them, my pocket money, originally 20 dollars, spent 6, then received 3 from Mk, 6 from Naunidh, total is 23 dollars! Woohoo!

Oh, Red Cross... Today TKGSRCY had combined training with TKRCY! Had beach cleaning. I wrote "TKRCY", "TKGRCY" and "Read this and waste time" -----> I wrote it twice.

Kk, now I go see other blog le, gtg, BB.


Posted At-|5:30 AM|

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